Along with the new early Missionary Databased just released the Church History Library also has a collection of early First Presidency missionary calls and recommendations from 1877-1918. Many are letters written back to the first presidency accepting their call to serve a mission. There are many letters in the collection from Alfred Cordon descendants. Here are a few:
Omer S. Cordon served Northern States Mission from 1906-1908
FamilySearch KWCY-GYH Missionary Database Entry
Alfred J. Cordon second letter served Eastern States Mission from 1904-1906
FamilySearch KWZ7-QV8 Missionary Database Entry
Alfred Cordon served British Mission from 1901-1903
FamilySearch KWJG-924 Passport Application Missionary Database Entry
Ralph Purl Cordon served Southern States Mission from 1906-1907
FamilySearch KWC1-55D Missionary Database Entry
George Albert Cordon Jr. served Eastern States Mission from 1915-1917
FamilySearch KWZZ-XWX Missionary Database Entry
Charles Alfred Cordon served Central States Mission from 1912 –
FamilySearch KWCY-9BC Missionary Database Entry
Alfred James Cordon served Central States Mission from 1907-1909
FamilySearch KWVH-BXR Missionary Database Entry